Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dust Bowl Kills

You know your onto something good when your girlfriend sets up a surprise weekend out of town for you and the destination is the Legendary Dust Bowl in Madison, WI. Ryan Weed is the lucky man and the lucky accomplices were Wizard (plus the Suburban), Cookie, JR, Bill, Weed and myself. We drove down Saturday day and returned Sunday night, much fun was had by all apart from a salty waitress who was totally bummed at 20 skaters coming in her bar and spending a grip of loot. Haters will always hate. We got to skate the Dust Bowl, which is easily up there with the Autumn bowl as far as private indoor spots go, then Cream City and finally Milwaukee Four Seasons. Mathew Jenkins (cookie) skate photo's below.

Front Feeble, Ryan Weed

Back Crail

5.0 Fakie

Dog Pisser, Ryan Weed

Back Smith

Foot Plant, Fetus

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