Wednesday, December 17, 2008

site done been down

As you may have noticed the site has been in-active for sometime now. After the storm of Ramp Jam passed the site got a thorough rinsing, having been linked left right and center by some heavy hitters, we discovered that we had gone way over our allocated band with, ending up with a bill for $1,800!
So for now were gonna be up on the Blogger tip until we get things straightened out.
Be sure to look out for some lost/forgotten gems including videos, photos and designs that never made it to the light of day. Here is a taster (sorry Mike):

The clip above was the edit Benji made for the Premier of weekend Warriors, it was supposed to loop before the screening warning the crowd about overdrinking so people would not get to buck. I think it had the adverse effect, as seen below...

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